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The first step to pastoring is being there. Can’t do anything without presence. 
Two ways we can understand and apply this
1. literally being there
2. being present in mind/spirit
Pastoring does not have to be complicated. In fact, it usually only gets complicated when we haven’t done the simple things along the way. We need to be proactive. Be in people’s world so you can guide and help in the right direction instead of trying to pick up the pieces later on. And this doesn’t need to be an overbearing influence. Don’t try to tell people how to do life - unless they ask for that. Give them an ear, share life with them, let them watch you, pray together. Be present.
And the other way is to be present in a spiritual sense. Carve out some time to deliberately think about and pray for people. Pause for a moment and ask the Holy Spirit for a simple word for them. Send a text with a scripture for them. Nothing complicated - let God do the work! You’ll notice incredible results from the simple act of taking 10minutes to think, pray, wait on God and then communicate with someone what God has said.
Pastoring is a deliberate and proactive business. Go for it guys! 

2 Comments | Add Your Comment

  1. Melissa Hind 10 Jun, 2014

    Great points Nick - happy connect week everyone!

  2. Nat Weston 16 Jun, 2014

    Love the simplicity. Thanks for the reminders Ps Nick